David Houchin

Old Posts Re-Uploaded

I finally got the old posts from my old Wordpress site re-uploaded here. There’s some technical data that I didn’t want to see lost (Although I believe Wayback Machine still archived everything).

This was much more tricky than I thought. I backed up the entire site with UpdraftPlus.
However, while everything was backed up in some way or another, the actual textual content was saved as a MySQL dump, escape characters and all.

I had to find the most recent version of each post in the SQL, copy it all out, remove the extra tags and escape characters, re-format it all for Markdown, and re-insert pictures and links. Tedious to say the least.

Thankfully, Hugo still proves to be a great tool. It’s very easy to build out new pages, and to modify the theme just how I like it. Minor tweaks to styling can be prototyped and finished very quickly. For others making the jump from platform to platform, I hope it proves a simpler process than mine, especially considering mine was only 4 posts..

If you read this during the COVID pandemic, I hope things find you well and you are staying safe. I’ve been very busy with work, but have been playing around with a few projects here and there. I’ve been checking out some board/tabletop games. Such a fascinating world, I had no idea!